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Esch, Lu 2022

Exhibition: IN TRANSFER – A New Condition

02.09.2022 - 27.11.2022

Möllerei, Esch-Alzette


Adam Harvey, Agnes Meyer-Brandis, Another Farm, Bjørn Karmann & Tore Knudsen, Climate Action Tech, Cod.Act: André Décosterd & Michel Décosterd, Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley, DISNOVATION.ORG, Etsuko Ichihara & ISID OPEN INNOVATION LAB., h.o, masharu, Mimi Onuoha & Mother Cyborg (Diana Nucera), Quayola, REMIX EcoDesign, Simon Weckert, Špela Petrič, Tega Brain, Julian Oliver & Bengt Sjölén, tranxxeno lab


Martin Honzik & Laura Welzenbach

The exhibition IN TRANSFER – A New Condition takes the transformation of the former steelwork Möllerei and its surrounding industrial area as starting point for its journey: it is about being in between place, transformation and change. There, Ars Electronica presents artists operating where technology, art, and society intersect, artists who are always in the places where transformation is happening. In the exhibition, visitors will meet a generation of artists who, as citizens of this world, wish to contribute a perspective that can help us make farsighted decisions. The exhibition is organised in collaboration with Ars Electronica and is curated by Martin Honzik, chief curator at Ars Electronica and Laura Welzenbach, Head of Ars Electronica Export. The exhibition is accompanied by a programme of public events, including guided tours. A catalogue published by Hatje Cantz will be released in Autumn 2022.


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